Bro. Bruce and Sis. Joanie Parker

It's awesome how God works! 13 years ago Bruce had retired and we thought we'd be busy in a foreign mission project. It didn't work out as planned and Meal a Day became a wonderful substitute (though since then, we've found our niche in India, hoping to travel there for our 10th 2-3 month stay in the near future). About the same time, God led us, along with Casey Opitz and Steve Johnson to Meal a Day. The UK board asked us to take over their work in Latin America, and the rest is history!

Until recently, our board consisted of 8 directors (since has grown a bit), many of whom traveled with us to visit projects. Because we both speak Spanish and were retired, it made sense for us to organize and travel on each annual trip. We felt strongly that it was important to visit projects to ensure they were carried out as proposed to us.

We'll miss our involvement with Meal a Day, but know it's in good hands. We'll continue to support through prayer, and will never forget the joy of serving in that way.

Through the years our mantra has been based in Matthew 24:34-40 “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.....whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”. That continues to be our goal.