Bro. Casey Opitz, Charlottesville, VA

Bro. Casey Opitz is a member of the Richmond Chapel Ecclesia and was a founding member of Meal-a-Day of the Americas in 2007. He served as Treasurer until 2020, when Heather Woodward took over this position, and he continued as a Director until later that same year. He has a master’s degree in economics and has worked in several management positions from health care to IT. He currently manages expense reimbursement for a Fortune 500 company.

What Meal-a-Day means to me

Meal-a-Day is special and unique because it allows us to affect the lives of our poorest neighbors in the most fundamental and immediately meaningful ways. Pure water, primary education, electricity so education is possible, basic care for children...these things must come first. The impact on me of the projects and partners I was fortunate enough to be able to visit during my tenure as a director and treasurer will remain with me the rest of my life. I can't begin to imagine the impact they have on the individuals and families that are helped so directly.

Bible verse that embodies Meal-a-Day’s work

God sends his rain and sunshine on everyone. Meal-a-Day gives us the opportunity to share in that same way, to his glory. In 2 Cor. 9:11-12, Paul tells us that our "generosity will result in thanksgiving to God," and that, "men will praise God...for your generosity in sharing with them...."