Matt is a member of the Cataumet Ecclesia in Massachusetts, and is a contractor specializing in marine construction. 

What Meal-a-Day means to me

Having had a recent opportunity to travel to Central America and seeing first hand the positive effect our work is having on people's health and well being, I am ecstatic to be part of this organization!  Some of the people we support are the poorest of the poor, truly left behind by society.  When joining Meal-a-day I believed any effort expended in giving aid to those in need would be valuable, whether successful or not. Now I have seen how our funding has been used efficiently and effectively.  I know God does not merely approve of this work, but has blessed it. Meal-a-day is making a difference. 

Meal-a-Day makes a difference because

Mat 10:8  Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely you have received, freely give.. When Christ sent his apostles out, he endowed them with miraculous powers to do his work.  With the ability to provide clean water, ventilated cook stoves, safe food, education and medical care (without miraculous power), God has granted us the ability to perform the same work. 

Bible verse OR story OR character that embodies Meal-a-Day's work

Mat 5:16  In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. In this current time I believe there is no better way to preach than through doing good works.  Meal-a-Day is a great way to fulfill this objective. It offers the recipient of the gift, our partners running the projects, and those around us at home a tangible expression of God's love in action. There is no better place to start from, when sharing the Gospel message.