Secretary - Sis. Cathie Moynihan


Sis. Cathie is a member of the Cambridge Ecclesia. Cathie’s educational and professional background is in Elementary education. She has four children. Cathie became involved in Meal-a-Day by leading fund-raising efforts in her area to fund a nurse at Clinica Verde.

What Meal-a-Day Means to me

The work of Meal-a-Day is very important to me because it is a way to show the love of Jesus to the world. Meal-a-Day provides many opportunities for service as well as a way to share our material blessings from God, with others.

Meal-a-Day makes a difference because

I think Meal-a-Day makes a difference because we partner with people living in the community to enable them to change their communities in positive ways. Jesus tells us to love our neighbour as ourselves and we know that showing compassion and kindness is how we love our neighbour. We strive to meet the basic needs of food, shelter and water to improve the lives of others.

Bible verse OR story OR character that embodies Meal-a-Day's work

The parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk. 10:25-37). Christ has commanded all of us to “Go and do likewise.”