Sis. Kellie Gelineau, Simi Valley, CA


Sis. Kellie Gelineau is a member of the Simi Hills Ecclesia in Southern California, USA. She has been on the Meal A Day Board of Directors since 2015. She loves to travel, and has had the opportunity and privilege of meeting brothers and sisters in ecclesias around the world. Our worldwide fellowship is a powerful encouragement to Kellie!

What Meal-a-Day means to me
”Working with the Meal-a-Day committee is a very heartwarming experience. It is extremely encouraging to see firsthand the generosity and love of the Christadelphian brotherhood being used to give practical help to those in need in our part of the world.”

Meal-a-Day makes a difference because

“I feel that Meal-a-Day makes a vital contribution to the people that it serves through the diversity of projects that it supports - from feeding the hungry, to pure water for small villages, to education in Haiti, and so much more. It is a conduit of support that is open to considering any proposal that meets its criteria. I also feel that Meal-a-Day is a vital arm of the Christadelphian brotherhood because it is devoted to charity, to helping those who are in desperate need. God has blessed us with riches that should be shared in his work - in preaching, in charity, and in supporting our ecclesias.”

Bible verse OR story OR character that embodies Meal-a-Day's work
”Christ compels us to to minister to these underserved people when he says in Matthew 25:35 ‘For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…’.

I am so thankful for the Meal-a-Day organization, for the support of the brotherhood, and for the careful stewardship of the committee to extend our Father’s blessings to others who might not otherwise feel His love.”